“Perspective” is a template suitable for all type of business. It comes with a lot of HTML Shortcodes, jquery plugins (tabs, accordion, sliders…) and with ability to edit the design very easy. Changing only a few lines of code you can give a new look to your template. Modern design with HTML5 and CSS3 power inside! It is compatible with all major browsers, so don’t worry is cross-browser and also responsive, this means that the content will be visible and readable on all devices starting from mobile to computer.
- Responsive design
- HTML5 & CSS3
- ~100 background patterns
- 3 JQuery Sliders
- 30 pre-made skins
- 60 HTML5 pages
- Unlimited color availability
- Create unlimited skins with SMK SKINR
- Isotope filterable portfolio
- Masonry grid(JQuery plugin)
- Multiple blog and portfolio layout styles
- PHP /Ajax contact form with random captcha
- Customizable Google map(JQuery plugin)
- Google Web Fonts
- 3 premium plugins(Lightbox Evolution, Preloadify, OneByOne slider)
- 960 Grid System(responsible)
- Multilevel CSS/Jquery dropdown navigation
- Tabs
- Accordion
- Toggle
- Blockquotes
- Dropcaps
- Highlights
- Decorated lists
- Alert messages
- CSS3 Buttons
- CSS3 Alert mesages
- CSS3 Pricing boxes
- CSS3 Information boxes
- 18 CSS3 image hover effects(4 icons, 28 colors)
- PSD, AI Elements
- Cross-browser compatibility(Tested in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera)
- Well commented code
- Extended documentation
---- 25 March 2013: ---- 1. Updated Lightbox plugin
---- 12 February 2013: ---- 1. Updated jQuery "One by One" slider(see documentation for more info): - added more options(ie: pause on hover) - added more animations in "jquery.onebyone.css" 2. Updated "FAQ" page: -removed "Highlight" plugin and updated "ScrollTo" plugin from "jquery.plugins.js" -added highlight class in "style.css". Class name ".faq_mark" -changed initialization in "scripts-bottom.js" 3. Removed "Jquery Masonry" plugin and left only "Isotope": -removed "Jquery Masonry" from "jquery.plugins.js" -changed 'masonry' with 'isotope' in "scripts-bottom.js" 4. Updated JQuery to 1.8.3 from 1.7.2
Sources and credits
- JQuery library http://jquery.com/
- JQuery UI http://jqueryui.com/
- Tinynav v1.03 http://tinynav.viljamis.com
- FitVids v1.0 http://fitvidsjs.com/
- Easing v1.3 http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- Masonry v2.1.05 http://masonry.desandro.com
- Isotope v1.5.19 http://isotope.metafizzy.co
- Lightbox Evolution v1.6.4 http://codecanyon.net/item/jquery-lightbox-evolution/115655
- OneByOne slider http://codecanyon.net/item/jquery-onebyone-slider-plugin/684613
- TouchWipe v1.1.1 http://www.netcu.de
FlexSlider v1.8 http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/ - jQuery.ScrollTo http://flesler.blogspot.com
- Google Map http://gmap3.net
- iView Slider http://iprodev.com/2012/07/iview/
- Preloadify http://codecanyon.net/item/preloadify/133636
- HTML5 Shiv http://remysharp.com/2009/01/07/html5-enabling-script/
- Iconfinder http://iconfinder.com/
- WooFunction http://www.woothemes.com/2009/09/woofunction-178-amazing-web-design-icons/
- Logo http://www.pixeden.com/
- Placeholders http://www.placehold.it/
- Photodune http://photodune.net/
- Iconshock http://www.iconshock.com/icon-sets/windows-7-general-extended-icons.html
- AJAX Contact Form http://codecanyon.net/item/ajax-contact-form-extended/82622

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