“Arundo” is a great solution for small and medium businesses. Due to compact, modern and stylish design as well as “Theme settings” module embedded tool.
Read the online documentation to learn more about Arundo: http://arundo.promokit.eu/documentation
Version 1.8 available. Look at changelog below
- Themes Features
- Demo Back office
- Email Templates
- Theme Appearance
- Customizable Layout
- Support
- Compatibility
- Update
- Upgrade Prestashop to 1.5
- Changelog
More Features:
- Stylish and clean design
- The ability to upload your own background and choose its position
- Scroll to top button
- Beautifully made tooltip
- Simple buttons customization
- Manage the style of the text in back office
- The theme is translated into 5 languages English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
- One page & guest checkout
- Full documentation
- Additional Modules
- Elastic Slideshow
- Nivo Slider
- Block share
- Product Carousel
- Bestsellers Carousel
- Manufacturers Carousel
- Custom Links
- Links block in footer
- My account block in footer
- Facebook Like Box
- twitter Widget
- Theme Settings
- Social Networks
- BlockAdvertising Extended (as slider)
- Improved default modules
- Currency
- Languages
- Search
- Top sellers (now as carousel)
- Featured Products (now as carousel)
- Related Products (now as carousel)
Demo Back office
You can look at all opportunities of “Theme Settings” module in our back office.
Go to this link: http://arundo.promokit.eu/administrator
Use following account: E-mail address: demo@promokit.eu Password: demotest
Click to the “Theme Settings” icon, and you will get access to all options which you can apply in this theme
Email Templates
We are changed design of all 31 email templates and now they are looks the same as your shop. Just look at screenshot below and you will see great difference between your old templates and new.Appearance
You can create your own style for your e-shop without any knowledge of WEB technologies. It will take less than one minute.
You can choose the background, color, font for your shop in two clicks. There is an unlimited number of colors for each of these elements.
In order to make your store more original and distinctive, use one of 24 ready-made patterns for your background.
Live Logo Creation
There is a function of creating a logo directly on the site. Choose from over 500 fonts, make it the right size and your logo is ready. Also, you may use an already existing logo. Just specify the style of the logo as an image or as text.
You can easily change the font of headers and the body text.
Animated “add to cart” process
In the version 1.3 of Arundo theme has been added new features 1. animated add to cart process with page scrolling. 2. Products are displayed in the cart with an image of product
Homepage Sliders
This layout offers 2 types of sliders. “Nivo slider” provides an eye-catching way to showcase your featured content. And “Elastic slideshow” allows you to showcase your products with a small description, title and “More” button.
Customizable layout
This layout has a simple yet essential option, not available in PrestaShop. You can change the view of products as a list or as grid. This option available as for your visitors as for you in the back office. The grid view also can be customized. You can choose small or big images of products.
You can use default prestashop carousel with product preview or improved carousel with zoom effect.
Variants of Arundo theme
The modern design allows you to use the theme for every kind of online shops: electronics, clothes, furniture, food store and so on.Showcase
Here is a small portion of shops created with our Arundo theme. Look at full showcase in our websiteQuality support in shortest time.
If you have any questions related to the layout, you can always leave a message on our support forum and get competent advice as soon as possible.
“Arundo” supports PrestaShop versions from to 1.5.4 There’s NO modifications in core files.
Arundo is compatible with all major browsers:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- IE 8 , IE 9 +
- Safari
- Opera
Don’t forget to update your theme! Download the .zip package from your themeforest account and replace the old files with the new ones provided. All new(fixed) files also locating in Updates directory for quick access to them.
Upgrade from PrestaShop 1.4 to 1.5
You can read about upgrade from PrestaShop 1.4 to 1.5 in our blog http://promokit.eu/upgrade-prestashop-1-4-to-1-5/
If you want to buy theme for Prestashop 1.5 platform, you should to know one important thing. The theme should be created on the basis of the default theme of Prestashop 1.5. The theme can’t be compatible with 1.4 and 1.5 at the same time.
V1.8 19-04-2013
Improvements :
- speach search function
Fixed bugs :
- UTF-8 issue in identity form
- multishop menu issue
- multishop elastic slideshow
- small visual fixes
- stores page issue
V1.7 08-12-2012
Improvements :
- added mails templates
- fancybox added to product textures
Fixed bugs :
- issue with add new links in “custom links” module
- issue with add new links in “blocklinkfooter” module
- small visual issues at product page.
List of files to update:
all files from “updates/1.7” folder
V1.6 14-11-2012
Fixed bugs :
- issue with SSL in twitter and facebook module
- issue with checkboxes
List of files to update:
all files from “updates/1.6” folder
V1.5 12-11-2012
Improvements :
- Removed queries from database for all products
- Added ajax.php file for ajax queries from theme
- Improved page speed loading
Fixed bugs:
- classic product carousel
- product page view
- IE font issue
List of files to update:
- updates/1.5/modules/eislideshow/css/eislideshow.css
- updates/1.5/modules/eislideshow/eislideshow.php
- updates/1.5/modules/themesettings/css/themesettings.css
- updates/1.5/modules/themesettings/images/patterns/commom_img.gif
- updates/1.5/modules/themesettings/js/impromtu.js
- updates/1.5/modules/themesettings/ajax.php
- updates/1.5/modules/themesettings/themesettings.php
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/css/global.css
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/css/grid_prestashop.css
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/css/product.css
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/js/product.js
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/header.tpl
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/product-list.tpl
- updates/1.5/themes/arundo/product.tpl
V1.4 07-11-2012
Improvements :
- added default product appearance on the product page
- added confirmation messages for some actions as “add to wishlist”, “add to favorites” etc.
- added posibility to show or hide subcategories list on category page
Fixed bugs:
- products images names
- “add to cart” animation in product page
- custom links module (multistore issue)
- theme settings module (multistore issue)
- product carousel, get featured products function
- small visual fixes
- “socialnetworks” module skype account error
- bannersbundle missed css
- currency sign format in welcomeblock
List of files to update:
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.php
- updates/modules/themesettings/css/themesettings.css
- updates/modules/themesettings/css/themesettings_admin.css
- updates/modules/themesettings/images/cbui.png
- updates/modules/customlinks/customlinks.php
- updates/modules/productsCarousel/productsCarousel.php
- updates/modules/socialnetworks/socnetworks.tpl
- updates/modules/bannersbundle/bannersbundle.php
- updates/modules/blockwelcome/blockwelcome.tpl
- updates/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/category.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/css/feature-carousel.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/global.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/product.css
- updates/themes/arundo/js/impromtu.js
- updates/themes/arundo/js/jquery.featureCarousel.js
- updates/themes/arundo/js/product.js
- updates/themes/arundo/js/modules/blockwishlist/ajax-wishlist.js
- updates/themes/arundo/js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/bestsellersCarousel/bestsellersCarousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productsCarousel/productsCarousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockcart/blockcart-json.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwishlist/blockwishlist-extra.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwishlist/managewishlist.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/favoriteproducts/favoriteproducts-extra.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwelcome/blockwelcome.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockviewed/blockviewed.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockspecials/blockspecials.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blocknewproducts/blocknewproducts.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockfeatured_carousel/blockfeatured_carousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockbestsellers_carousel/blockbestsellers_carousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl
V1.3 12-10-2012
Improvements :
- animated add to cart process
Fixed bugs:
- footer view
- products comments view and form
- ajax add to cart feature on the category page
List of files to update:
- updates/themes/arundo/header.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockcart/blockcart-json.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js
- updates/themes/arundo/css/modules/blockcart/blockcart.css
- updates/themes/arundo/images/delete.png
- updates/themes/arundo/images/delete_active.png
- updates/themes/arundo/css/global.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/product.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/product_list.css
- updates/themes/arundo/product-list.tpl
V1.2 01-10-2012
Improvements :
- Added “Quick access” icon of “Theme Settings” to the homepage of back office
- Added opportunity to show icons for menu items
Fixed bugs:
- wishlist page view
- authentication view
- strange bahavior of tabs on the product page
- “add to cart” button on the product page
- added checking for carousel items existing to “manufacturersCarousel” and “productsCarousel” modules
- view of “add to cart” button on the product page
List of files to update:
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwishlist/my-account.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productcomments/tab.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/product.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/footer.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/authentication.tpl
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.php
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/manufacturersCarousel/manufacturersCarousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/productsCarousel/productsCarousel.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/css/modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/global.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/product.css
- updates/modules/themesettings/css/themesettings_admin.css
- updates/modules/themesettings/js/scripts.js
- updates/modules/themesettings/menuicons/noimg.png
- updates/modules/themesettings/menuitems.php
- updates/modules/themesettings/scripts.tpl
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.php
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.tpl
V1.1 25-09-2012
- Added Custom CSS field in back office
- Added “disable category tittle and description” option
Fixed bugs:
- colorpicker in the back office
- identity page view
- favoriteproducts page view
- addresses page view
- discount page view
- translation issues
List of files to update:
- updates/themes/arundo/global.css
- updates/themes/arundo/css/identity.css
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/favoriteproducts/favoriteproducts-account.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/addresses.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwishlist/img/gift.gif
- updates/themes/arundo/modules/blockwishlist/my-account.tpl
- updates/modules/themesettings/css/themesettings_admin.css
- updates/modules/themesettings/js/scripts.js
- updates/modules/themesettings/scripts.tpl
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.php
- updates/modules/themesettings/themesettings.tpl
- updates/themes/arundo/category.tpl

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