Delta is a super modern Portfolio/Blog WordPress theme perfect for any professional or agency. It comes with a unique AJAX portfolio (optional) that will allow visitors to browse your portfolio posts without having to leave the main portfolio page, a fully responsive design, 8 built-in color options and an unlimited color option via a color picker, and 17 different background options (some shown in the demo). It is a very clean and elegant solution for anyone looking to show off their work in style!
AJAX Portfolio: The most unique feature of Delta is the AJAX style portfolio (which is of course completely optional) that allows people to click on a portfolio item and have it load right there without leaving the page. Once open you can then use next/previous buttons to browse through the other items in the portfolio. The AJAX simply loads the content right from the single-portfolio.php file, which is better than other methods of loading a static HTML file that makes a request for wp-load.php. Also you can have 4 styles of portfolio posts – videos, sliders, single featured image or stacked images. Check them out in the Demo!
Blog: Of course there is also a regular blog section with the theme to use with your regular posts. The blog is very minimal which is perfect for those who truly want to use the theme to showcase their portfolio but at the same time maintain a basic blog for their findings.
Image Height Options: In the theme panel you’ll find some very useful options for changing the heights of your portfolio item posts and entries. By default the portfolio entries crop the featured images as you see in the demo, well, you can change this to make them more vertical, more square or even remove all vertical cropping to create a masonry style layout! See the options – http://1.s3.envato.com/files/36394171/Screenshots/05_delta.png
Homepage portfolio category select + unlimited filterable portfolio pages – New in v1.2: Now you can select the exact category you want on the homepage or select a parent portfolio category to show it’s children as the filterable items. There is also a new custom field for choosing a specific category ID for a portfolio template page so you can have unlimited portfolios and filterable portfolios.Videos: The videos below should help you with some of the crucial features of this theme. If there is something you don’t understand I would be glad to make more guides, just let me know!
- Changing the default skin or choosing your own Color Skin
- Adding Portfolio Sliders/Media
Delta WordPress Theme Features
- Responsive Design
- AJAX portfolio option
- Built-in color skins + unlimited color skin option
- Built-in background choices
- Elegant and modern design
- Cool default text logo style + option to upload custom image
- Portfolio post type + categories for easy management
- Portfolio filter
- Options to change portfolio entries and post image heights
- Portfolio post types – video, slider, images
- Templates
- Full-width template
- Sitemap template
- Portfolio without AJAX template
- Portfolio with AJAX template
- Recent posts (portfolio or regular) widget with thumbnails
- Author icon highlight in comments
- Google maps and button shortcodes
- Default form styling
- Simple homepage slider – built into the theme panel
View the theme change log here: http://www.wpexplorer.org/changelogs/delta/
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